docker run --name instance1 -it --entrypoint /bin/bash trainer_vm:latest (interactive mode)
docker run --name instance1 trainer_vm:latest (just run the docker)
docker run --name instance1 -v %cd%/models:/models/ trainer_vm:latest (automatically copies the created files inside models to local machine, otherwise they will be only inside the docker)
docker rm <container_id>
docker run --name test_vm -e WANDB_API_KEY=<WANDB_API_KEY>
locally ssh to the instance: gcloud compute ssh --zone "europe-west1-b" "<name_of_instance>" --project "wheel-assembly-detection"
authenticate to the correct server: gcloud auth configure-docker
pull the docker from cloud: docker pull
docker ps: shows the docker files running on the machine
docker logs <CONATINER_ID> wait until its successfully pulled (when the container is finished, I have no clue hot to reach the logs, impossible)
docker ps: pulled container has new ID
docker exec -it CONTAINER-ID /bin/bash: starts the docker in interactive window (only the conda_wheel_assemly_detection, the rest only train the model, upload the model and exits, maybe setting the restart policy to "never" should fix this issue)